by torosidiswine | Nov 19, 2018 | VINEYARD
The significance of grapevine mineral nutrition Written by In During the annual vegetative cycle on the vine, nutrient deficiencies may occur that affect plant physiology. Nutrient deficiencies can affect the size, color, chemical composition, yield and life...
by torosidiswine | Nov 5, 2018 | VINEYARD, WINE
Nitrogen vineyard nutrition affects yeast assimilable nitrogen Written by In The addition of nitrogen to vine plants increases the concentration of nitrogen in the rail. Many components of the rail that contribute to the taste and aroma of wine are affected by the...
by torosidiswine | Nov 4, 2018 | VINEYARD
Good practices to avoid nitrogen lost from cultivated soils Written by In Good cultivation practices to minimize nitrogen losses: The application time and quantity should be adapted to the requirements of the crop to avoid untimely and incorrect nitrogen additions:...
by torosidiswine | Nov 4, 2018 | VINEYARD
Nitrogen fertilizers Written by In Farmers in Western Europe have always had a wide variety of types of fertilisers at their disposal. The current use of a variety of products is the result of experimentation and practical application of using different sources of...
by torosidiswine | Nov 4, 2018 | VINEYARD
When is the best time to fertilize our vineyard with nitrogen Written by In Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients that plants need in order to grow adequately. Nitrate (NO3-) and ammonia (NH4+) ions are the main forms of nitrogen absorbed by plants. Ammonia...
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