Nitrogen is one of the most important nutrients that plants need in order to grow adequately. Nitrate (NO3-) and ammonia (NH4+) ions are the main forms of nitrogen absorbed by plants. Ammonia ions are taken up at a lower rate and converted to nitrate through nitrification. When nitrogen is added in insufficient or excessive amounts it can negatively affect production and productivity
Studies have revealed two distinct periods of nitrogen absorption, the first which begins slowly after bud expansion and extends to veraison, and the second after harvest and normal defoliation.
The second period of intense nitrogen absorption collected 34% of the total requirements of the plant for the growing season.
During the growing season the distribution of nitrogen within the plant was also investigated showing the accumulation of nitrogen in the fruits, leaves, pruning wood and duct system which amounted to 35.8%, 31.4%, 14.4% and 18.7% respectively.
Knowledge of intake periods is particularly useful, but the movement and distribution of added nitrogen in both periods is of particular interest.
Knowledge of intake periods is particularly useful, but the movement and distribution of added nitrogen in both periods is of particular interest.
However, determining the amount of nitrogen to be added in each application is a more complex issue, but the finding that 60% of the nitrogen reserves of the plant during bud growth comes from what is added after harvest highlights the importance of the applied nitrogen fertilization program after harvest.

It was found that during the veraison period only 22% of the nitrogen content in the plant corresponded to the amount added in early summer (after flowering). Of this, most of it is found (52%) in growing vegetation and the rest in grapes (28%) and permanent parts of the plant (20%).
From the harvest period until lethargy, the distribution of nitrogen within the plant is differentiated and shifted to its permanent parts. During this period only 6% of the total nitrogen in the plant corresponds to what was added in early summer, and is found 78% in the roots and 22% in the remaining permanent parts.
The addition of nitrogen after the previous season’s harvest was also investigated. It was found that 60% of the nitrogen reserves of the plant at the beginning of bud growth come from the nitrogen absorbed during the post-harvest period and that 1/4 of the nitrogen reserves of the plant are used until the end of flowering, while by the end of the harvest 50% of the nitrogen reserves available during bud development, were used (Conradie 1980,1991,1992c).
In general, three main periods of time during which nitrogen is added are used in production:
When expanding the eyes ,
after flowering and
after harvest.
Data collected during experimental work on the effect of application time and the amount of nitrogen added support the correctness of the above nitrogen addition times.
The determination of the amount of nitrogen to be added to each application is a more complex matter, but the finding that 60% of the nitrogen reserves of the plant during the bud growth period comes from what is added after harvest highlights the importance of the applied nitrogen fertilization program after harvest.
Πηγή : Bell S-J and P.A. Henschke , 2005. Implications of nitrogen nutrition for grapes , fermentation and wine. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research 11 , 242-295.
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