Φύλλο Υποκειμένου1103 Paulsen

Nov 4, 2018 | VINEYARD

Good practices to avoid nitrogen lost from cultivated soils


Written by torosidiswine


Good cultivation practices to minimize nitrogen losses:

  • The application time and quantity should be adapted to the requirements of the crop to avoid untimely and incorrect nitrogen additions:
    • The addition is planned and distributed based on the needs and development stage of the crop.
    • No addition outside the growing season or before set-aside.
    • Addition of optimal quantities according to a fertilization plan.
    • Adjustment of the fertilization program during the growing season, based on analyses.
    • Balanced nutrition of plants in all nutrients, which promotes the effectiveness of nitrogen applications.
  • Vegetation cover throughout the year (intercropping, nitrogen-fixing plants), to avoid periods with bare soil.
  • Effective use of organic fertilizers of animal origin and sewage sludge.
    • Application in spring when plants can make better use of organic nitrogen.
    • Addition using sophisticated techniques that allow immediate integration to reduce losses.
  • Incorporating straw to immobilize inorganic nitrogen before winter.
  • Cultivation of the soil in spring to avoid the mineralization of nitrogen that follows autumn and winter cultivation.





Inorganic fertilizers contribute about 10% of total ammonia gas emissions, but there are differences between different types of fertilizers.



Έριζα Εμβολιασμένα Φυτά<br />

Inorganic fertilizers contribute about 10% of total ammonia gas emissions, but there are differences between different types of fertilizers. Uria and inorganic ammoniacal fertilisers have a higher gas emission potential under certain conditions. For mineral fertilisers the average loss in the form of ammonia gas ranges from zero (for pure nitrate fertilisers), 1-3% (for ammonium nitrate fertilizers), 8% (for urea/ammonium nitrate solutions) and more than 15% for surface-applied urea (ECETOC, 1994). ECETOC: European Center for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals.

Ammonia evaporation increases from :

  • High soil pH
  • Low regulatory capacity of H+
  • High temperature/radiation
  • High wind speed

Ammonia evaporation is limited from :

  • High filtration capacity
  • High mineral content of clay
  • Increase in organic carbon (> 1.5% organic carbon)
  • Adequate soil moisture
  • Precipitation / irrigation after application
  • Incorporation into soil

Πηγή : Kummer Karl-Friedrich (BASF AG) and Chris Dawson and Associates , (2003). Understanding Nitrogen and its Use in Agriculture. Published by European Fertillizer Manufacturers Association (EFMA).

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