Ranking criteria for applications for new vineyard planting authorization for the year 2019
Written by torosidiswine
There are five criteria for ranking applications for authorisation to plant vines with wine grape varieties.
First Criterion
Producers planting wine grape varieties for the first time and setting up as head of the holding (new entrants). This criterion shall be deemed to be fulfilled if the applicant belongs to one of the following categories:
(a) Natural persons up to 40 years of age, in the year of application, who plant wine grapes for the first time and establish themselves as heads of the holding (new entrants).(b) Legal persons; irrespective of their legal form, they shall be deemed to fulfil this criterion if the natural person establishing himself as head of the holding and exercising effective and long-term control over the legal person over decisions relating to management, profits and financial risks first plants vines (‘new entrant’) and is up to 40 years old; in the year of application.Where the legal person is solely or jointly controlled by another legal person, the requirements shall apply to any natural person exercising control over that other legal person.
First Criterion
Producers planting wine grape varieties for the first time and setting up as farm leaders (new entrants).
Second Criterion
Areas where vineyards contribute to environmental conservationThird Criterion
Areas facing natural constraints or other specific constraintsFourth Criterion
Areas intended for new planting in the context of the enlargement of small and medium-sized holdings.
Fifth Criterion
Previous behaviour of producer .
The status of new entrant is attested simultaneously and cumulatively:
a) From the Register of Farmers and Rural
b) From the Vineyard Register confirming the existence or not of a vineyard holding with wine grape varieties, with legal planting rights, of the applicant producers.
c) The cross-checking of the data of the vineyard holdings of the applicant producers between the Vineyard Register and IACS.
For the first criterion, the weighting factors W1 and the conformity factors Pt1 with the criterion are defined as follows:
Gravity factor W1 = 0 ,30
Conformity factor Pt1 = 10.
For non-compliance with the criterion, the coefficient Pt1 is assigned 0.
The first criterion applies to all defined regions (A, B, and C).
Second Criterion
Areas where vineyards contribute to environmental conservation
The criterion is fulfilled if one of the following applies:
a) The applicant does not own wine grapes and undertakes by a solemn declaration of Law 1599/1986 to comply for a minimum period of five years with the organic production rules laid down in Regulation (EC) No. Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 and, where applicable, Commission Regulation (EC) No 889/2008 on the entire area intended for new planting.
(b) the applicant is in possession of wine grapes at the time of submission of the application and has applied the organic production rules referred to in the first subparagraph to the entire area planted with vines for at least five years prior to the submission of the application.
c) The applicant does not own wine grapes and undertakes by a solemn declaration of Law 1599/1986 to comply for a minimum period of five years with national certification schemes for integrated production management in the entire area intended for new planting.
(d) the applicant has been in possession of wine grape vines at the time of submission of the application and has implemented national certification schemes for integrated production management on the entire area under vines for at least five years prior to the submission of the application.
(e) the specific parcel(s) specified in that application shall be located on slopes with terraces.
For cases where the applicant owns wine grapes, certification by approved Control and Certification Bodies by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food is required.
In cases where there are no vines planted, the applicant is obliged, in case of granting a new planting permit, to submit to the competent DAOK, immediately after planting, the contract he has concluded with the approved certification body.
The criterion defines the W2 weighting factors and the Pt2 conformity factors with the criterion, as follows:
Gravity factor W2 = 0,10
Conformity factor Pt2 = 10.
For non-compliance with the criterion, the coefficient Pt2 is assigned 0.
The second criterion applies to all defined regions (A, B, and C).
Third criterion
Areas facing natural constraints or other specific constraints
The criterion is fulfilled if the specific parcel(s) identified in the application are located in one of the following types of areas:
(a) Mountain areas at an altitude of more than 500 m or more, not including highlands.
(b) Smaller Aegean islands as defined in Regulation (EU) No …/… Regulation (EU) No 229/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council.
For the third criterion, the weighting factors W3 and the coefficient Pt3 with the criterion are defined as follows:
Gravity factor W3 = 0,10
Conformity factor Pt3 = 10.
For non-compliance with the criterion, the coefficient Pt3
It is set at 0.
The third criterion applies to regions A and B while for region C point (a) of criterion does not apply.
Fourth Criterion
Areas intended for new planting in the context of the enlargement of small and medium-sized holdings.
The criterion shall be deemed to be fulfilled if at the time of application the applicant:
a) According to the data of the Integrated Administration and Control System – IACS of the previous year, it has a minimum area of agricultural holding of 5 acres (0.5 ha) and in addition,
b) has, according to the data of the Vineyard Register -until the date of submission of its application for the licensing regime, a vineyard holding with parcels of wine grape varieties and with legal planting rights. Depending on their total area, it is classified into one of the categories, as described in the table below.
The table below also defines the weight factor W4 and the conformity factors Pt4, depending on the categories of the fourth criterion, while in case of non-compliance with the criterion the factor Pt4 is assigned the value 0.
Coefficients tables and criterion categories by region (A, B, and C)
District A
Coefficient |
Criterion category according to vineyard holding |
Coefficient |
0,35 |
> 3 to 30 acres |
10 |
> 30.1 acres |
7 |
District B
Coefficient |
Criterion category according to vineyard holding |
Coefficient |
0,35 |
> 5 to 50 acres |
10 |
> 50.1 acres |
7 |
District C
Coefficient |
Criterion category according to vineyard holding |
Coefficient |
0,35 |
> 3 to 30 acres |
10 |
> 30.1 acres |
7 |
Fifth Criterion
Previous behaviour of producer .
The above criterion shall be deemed to be fulfilled if the applicant has no vineyard areas without a permit, or without planting rights.
Gravity factor W5 = 0,15
Conformity factor Pt5 = 10.
For non-compliance with the criterion, the coefficient Pt5 is assigned 0.
Source : Ministerial Decision 586/35408 (Government Gazette B ́ 613/26.02.2019) “Amendment of 609/16822/14-02-2017 Ministerial Decision “Adoption of the necessary additional measures for the implementation of Regulations (EC) No. Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013; 2015/560 and (EU) No 2015/560. 2015/561, on the management of permits for new vine plantings (Government Gazette 600 B)”
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