The list of approved pesticides includes pesticide formulations for which marketing authorization has been granted by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, as well as the information listed in their licenses.
The Catalogue is in the form of an electronic database and is posted on the website of the Ministry of Rural Development and Food.
Responsible for compiling, updating and maintaining the electronic application of the Catalogue is the Stoning Enational Aauthority (MSD).
Preparations, the authorisation of which has expired or has been revoked, are listed in the List with the indication “Withdrawn” and a reference to the relevant decision.
The professional user obtains the formulations included in the Catalogue only from retail outlets licensed for this purpose. The retail store records in a special sales form electronically for each professional user details of the transaction.
Formulations shall be selected on the basis of efficacy, mode of action, spectrum of action, selectivity for the cultivated plant, disease or animal enemy or weed, specific environmental objectives, combination with other plant protection products, applicability, expected residues in the agricultural product, residual durability, toxicological labelling, compatibility with the pest resistance management strategy and possible effect on the next crop.
Priority is given to the use of formulations with selective action.
It is forbidden to administer preparations that are not included in the approved List or do not comply with the label.
Anyone who uses pesticides without complying with their packaging or label, is fined from three hundred (300) to thirty thousand (30,000) euros.
For approved plant protection products used on vines we can consult the relevant pages of the website of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food. The pages can be searched by criteria.
List of approved active substances authorised for use on vines
Source : Article 36, Law 4036/2012
The list of approved pesticides includes pesticide formulations for which marketing authorization has been granted by the Ministry of Rural Development and Food, as well as the information listed in their licenses.
It is forbidden to administer preparations that are not included in the approved List or do not comply with the label.
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