
Nov 4, 2021 | VINEYARD

From 23/11 to 23/12/2021 applications for new vineyard planting authorization


Written by torosidiswine


Those interested in obtaining permits for the new planting of wine grape varieties from the year 2022, submit electronically, through the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, an application-solemn declaration from November 1 to December 1 of the previous year of the granting of licenses.

Exceptionally, for the granting of new planting permits for the year 2022, applications will be submitted from November 23 to December 23, 2021.

The application is admissible when all the supporting documents required to meet the eligibility criterion are attached electronically. Where no supporting documents relating to priority criteria are attached, the application shall be eligible, but shall not be scored against those criteria.

In the application-solemn declaration, the area and the coordinates of the peaks, the perimeter mapping, each parcel, for which the permit is to be granted, as well as the municipal district and the toponym of its area, are stated.

In addition, the necessary ownership documents are required as listed in article 10 of 2454/235853/20-09-2019 (B’ 3645) ministerial decision.






The application is admissible when all the supporting documents required to meet the eligibility criterion are attached electronically. Where no supporting documents relating to priority criteria are attached, the application shall be eligible, but shall not be scored against those criteria.





Source : Decision 2933/327864 , Government Gazette B ́ 5422/22.11.2021, “Adoption of the necessary additional measures for the implementation of Regulations (EC) No. Regulation (EU) No 1308/2013; 2018/273 and (EU) No 273. Regulation (EC) No 2018/274 on the management of authorisations for new vine plantings’.

Interested parties apply online

Exceptionally, for the granting of new planting permits for the year 2022, applications will be submitted from November 23 to December 23, 2021.

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