Written by torosidiswine
Dry white wine. Monovarietal from the Malagouzia variety. The cultivation of our vineyard is done according to the model of Organic Farming. The application of the standard in our vineyard has exceeded three years. The products of the 2022 wine year are the last of the transitional period.
It was vinified at low temperatures. Preceded by pre-fermentation cryoextraction.
Stay in the tank with the fine lees for six months.
Typical aromas of the variety. Balanced acidity. Long, tasty, aftertaste.
White Dry Monovarietal Wine
Dry white monovarietal wine. MALAGOUZIA
Stay in the tank with the fine lees for six months.
Typical aromas of the variety. Balanced acidity. Long, delicious, aftertaste.

Our Wines

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