
Nov 19, 2018 | VINEYARD

The significance of grapevine mineral nutrition


Written by torosidiswine


During the annual vegetative cycle on the vine, nutrient deficiencies may occur that affect plant physiology. Nutrient deficiencies can affect the size, color, chemical composition, yield and life expectancy of individual organs or the whole plant. The deficiency may relate to one or more elements (Pearson and Goheen 1988). The visible symptoms provide information about the cause that caused them, but soil and leaf analyses (lamina or stem) confirm the nutritional disorder

The motility in the bible and the role of nutrients in vine physiology are summarized below.




The visible symptoms provide information about the cause that caused them, but soil and leaf analyses (lamina or stem) confirm the nutritional disorder



Nutrient Mob. In the Bible Key role
Nitrogen H Component of chlorophyll, proteins, hormones, nucleic acids, lecithin, vitamins and alkaloids. It promotes vegetative growth (vigor), causes a delay in bud growth, increases the size of shoots and leaves, increases susceptibility to drought and disease, causes a decrease in resveratrol synthesis, prolongs the vegetative period, promotes Fe and K deficiencies. It favors the increase of production, delays maturation and degrades quality.
Phosphorus H Component of cell membranes, nucleic acids, vitamins, lecithin, proteins and ATP. Promotes the growth of extreme meristems on the shoots and roots. Improves grape aroma.
Potassium H Promotes shoot growth, improves resistance to cold and disease, accumulation of sugars and starch (on rails and woody parts respectively), controls water status and acidity level by activating several enzymes. Required for protein synthesis.
Calcium X Component of cell walls. It is involved in protein and carbohydrate synthesis and transpiration.
Magnesium H Component of chlorophyll and enzyme activator. It is involved in the breakdown of carbohydrates.
Sulfur H Component of some amino acids, vitamins and coenzyme A
Iron M A component of cytochrome and other enzymes involved in photosynthesis, respiration and nitrate reduction.
Boron M Promotes root growth, lignin synthesis, membrane functionality and integrity, pollen germination and pollen tube growth, and sugar concentration.
Manganese X Involved in oxidation and protein metabolism, photosynthesis and hormone regulation. Improves eye fertility, fruit set, xylation and bouquet of wines.
Zinc M Improves bud fruiting, fruit set, drought and cold resistance, membrane stability and wine bouquet.
Copper M Involved in pollen formation and fertility, lignin synthesis and disease resistance.
Molybdenum M A component of nitrate reductase, involved in nitrogen metabolism.
Chlorine H Involved in the course of oxygen during photosynthesis and in the regulation of stomata. It stimulates the ATPase responsible for the movement of protons through the tonoplast.

H: high , X: low, M: medium

Source :Methodologies and Results in Grapevine Research , 2010.


Υποκείμενο1103 Paulsen

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