Λημνιό preharvest

Nov 3, 2022 | VINEYARD

Until December 15, the Harvest Declarations for the year 2022


Written by torosidiswine


Harvest declarations shall be submitted electronically from 1 August of each current year up to and including 30 November of the same year.

For the year 2022, it was announced that the deadline is December 15.

All wine-growing farmers with wine grape varieties are obliged to submit a harvest declaration immediately after the end of the harvest.

It is clarified that the persons obliged to submit the harvest declaration include:

(a) wine producers who are also wine-growers and who must submit a harvest declaration followed by a production declaration;

(b) winegrowers/wine producers who deliver their grape production to a winery for winemaking and this production is returned to them in the form of a finished product. Winegrowers in this case will have to submit a harvest declaration, followed by a production declaration,

(c) winegrowers who are members of a cooperative winery or members of a producer organisation in the wine sector and deliver all or part of their production to the cooperative winery or winery to which the producer organisation delivers.



These winegrowers retain the right to make less than 10 hectolitres of wine by vinification for family consumption provided that the cooperative wineries or groups are required to submit a production declaration.

Holders of wine grape varieties are obliged to submit a zero harvest declaration in cases where:

  1. a) there is a complete destruction of annual grape production due to extreme weather events or other isolated cases of destruction, b) they own new vineyards that are not yet productive.

Holders of wine-growing varieties whose entire vineyard holding is up to one (1) acre are exempt from the obligation to submit a harvest declaration.

If, during the submission of the harvest declaration, there is a need to modify/update the data of the vineyard holding in the Vineyard Register, then in order to be able to submit the harvest declaration within the prescribed deadline, the interested party submits a supplementary – amending vineyard declaration to the competent DAOK with the presentation of any required supporting documents/documents for updating the Vineyard Register,  after the required check.



In the following cases of non-submission of harvest declarations within the prescribed deadline, penalties arise in the form of a financial fine and are imposed in accordance with the procedures set out in Law 4235/2014:
(a) cases where the final date for submission of the harvest declaration is exceeded by a maximum of 15 working days, where the amount of the fine shall be calculated in accordance with Table 1.
(b) cases where the harvest declaration has not been submitted by the person liable for payment, where the amount of the fine shall be calculated in accordance with Table 2.

1-5 days
6-15 days
up to 1,000 50 € 100 €
from 1,000.1 to 10,000 200€ 500€
from 10,000.1 to 50,000 300 € 700 €
from 50,001 to 100,000 500 € 1.000 €
over 100,000 700 € 1.500 €

1- 10 200 €
10,1 – 30 500 €
30,1 – 50 1.000 €
50,1 – 100 2.000 €
more than 100 5.000 €

In addition to penalties, the enterprises/producers concerned who do not submit a declaration do not benefit from the various benefits of the measures:
(a) the measure of investments in wine-making enterprises for the financial year following the year in which the application is submitted;

(b) the programme for the restructuring and conversion of vineyards for one or two financial years, depending on the successive declarations submitted;

(c) from the subsidy programme for the smaller Aegean islands for the financial year following the year of application.

The penalties provided for in this Article shall not apply in cases of force majeure or exceptional circumstances within the meaning of Article 2(2) of Reg. (EU) 1306/2013.
Obvious errors in the submission of harvest declarations may be recognized and corrected by the competent D.A.O.K. upon request of the producer and submission of the required supporting documents.

Source: Decision no. 2454/235853 (Government Gazette B 3645/01.10.2019)”Adoption of the necessary additional measures for the implementation of Regulations (EC) No. 1308/2013, (EU) No. 2018/273 and (EU) No. Regulation (EC) No 2018/274 on the management of wine-growing potential’.

For the year 2022, it was announced that the deadline is December 15.

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