Written by torosidiswine
Dry White Varietal Wine from the Malagouzia and Chardonnay varieties. Cultivation according to the standard of Organic Farming in transition. Vinification at low temperatures after pre-fermentation extraction. Stay with the fine lees for six months.Limited filtration. Malagouzia verifies our expectations and Chardonnay validates its international character. Their coexistence is harmonious and gives us an aromatic wine with a long aftertaste.With this product, a new wine site is established for the prefecture of Xanthi and proves the potential of each region of this country to produce quality wine products under certain conditions.
White Dry Varietal Wine
Dry white varietal wine. It is produced by co-vinification of Malagouzia with Chardonnay.
Malagouzia fulfills our expectations and Chardonnay validates its international character. Their coexistence is harmonious and gives us an aromatic wine with a long aftertaste.
With this product, a new wine site is established for the prefecture of Xanthi and demonstrates the potential of each region of this country to produce quality wine products under certain conditions.
Our Wines
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