
Nov 4, 2018 | VINEYARD

Botrytis controling alternatives


Written by torosidiswine


Botrytis cinerea rots are responsible for serious production losses both in the field and after harvest, in a wide range of economically important crops.

Traditionally, chemical methods were used to combat botrytis. However, the long-term use of fungicides has resulted in the development of resistant strains of the fungus, while at the same time the residues of these plant protection products on crops have increased significantly.

As for the post-harvest treatment of fruits, there are few available chemical control methods, alternative products with fungicidal properties were sought to protect against botrytis (Botrytis cinerea).

It was found that infections topically with certain pathogens increased the resistance of the fruit to a wide range of other pathogens, such as fungi, bacteria and viruses.

There are also reports that the defense mechanisms of plants are promoted by the application of a chemical agent.  Several such agents have been identified as promoting plant resistance to fungal attacks and botrytis.

Chitosan was found to be effective against fungal and bacteriological attacks. It is also known for its action as a biostimulant that in many plants promotes their defenses by activating the action of enzymes such as chitinases.

The substance Acibenzolar-S-methyl is a biostimulant of the defense mechanisms of plants. It was found to be effective in managing gray rot (botrytis) in strawberry.

It was found that both of these substances can limit the growth of botrytis in the laboratory and contribute to the protection of grapes from the fungus.

Synthetic chemical compounds that stimulate plants’ natural defenses, as well as naturally occurring compounds, which promote plants’ defense mechanisms, are an alternative perspective for treating disease.

Πηγή: Sensitivity of Botrytis cinerea to chitosan and Acibenzolar-S-methyl. Zaida Munoz and Assumpcio Moret. Pest Management Science 2010 ,66: 974-979.







Traditionally, chemical methods were used to combat botrytis. However, the long-term use of fungicides has resulted in the development of resistant strains of the fungus, while at the same time the residues of these plant protection products on crops have increased significantly.



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